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Breaking Bad: 1x1
When an unassuming high school chemistry teacher discovers he has a rare form of lung cancer, he decides to team up with a former student and create a top of the line crystal meth in a used RV, to provide for his family once he is gone.
- 1 - 1Pilot Jan. 20, 2008
- 1 - 2Cat's in the Bag... Jan. 27, 2008
- 1 - 3...And the Bag's in the River Feb. 10, 2008
- 1 - 4Cancer Man Feb. 17, 2008
- 1 - 5Gray Matter Feb. 24, 2008
- 1 - 6Crazy Handful of Nothin' Mar. 02, 2008
- 1 - 7A No Rough Stuff Type Deal Mar. 09, 2008