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It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia: 15x4
The Gang Replaces Dee With a Monkey
When the Gang suspects Dee is menopausal, they scramble to find a new employee for Paddy’s Pub. Dee decides to put her acting career on hold in order to mentor young actors.
- 15 - 12020: A Year in Review Dec. 01, 2021
- 15 - 2The Gang Makes Lethal Weapon 7 Dec. 01, 2021
- 15 - 3The Gang Buys a Roller Rink Dec. 08, 2021
- 15 - 4The Gang Replaces Dee With a Monkey Dec. 08, 2021
- 15 - 5The Gang Goes to Ireland Dec. 15, 2021
- 15 - 6The Gang's Still in Ireland Dec. 15, 2021
- 15 - 7Dee Sinks in a Bog Dec. 22, 2021
- 15 - 8The Gang Carries a Corpse Up a Mountain Dec. 22, 2021